your name is a mysterious set of syllables. it is lines on a surface. it is a specific set of sounds articulated by the throat. it is not you but at the same time, it is you.
i wish i could have chosen my name. Dror Almagor sounds nice.
typing can be rather noisy. py keyboard especially....staying up until 2 in the morning, trying to type quietly so i don't wake up my folks. i've also preferred text to the spoken word, it's much less tumultuous.
if you don't know you're autistic, if you aren't diagnosed, no worries. it's nice to have as wide of a demographic here as we can...but many here have those same socialization problems. so it happens.
welcome to the club
i too hesitated to join the site...and now i can't stop. ugh...
How many people go on here?
total, there's about 92,200 registered members. but only a couple hundred post regularly or so.
הייתי צוללת עכשיו למים
הכי, הכי עמוקים
לא לשמוע כלום
לא לדעת כלום
וזה הכל אהובי, זה הכל.