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Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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01 Mar 2015, 4:48 pm

After a couple of years lurking I am now in a situation that I feel requires me to seek refuge amongst the denizens of the Wrong Planet again - I apologise for my lack of interaction.

I had hoped that as life progressed (I am 55) the issues I have with life would recede or at least diminish, this has not been the case and I find myself in a place without corners in which to hide.

Sought the assistance of NHS CBT therapy but the constant questioning and navel-gazing seemed to simply increase the negative feelings I have. Every therapist in the last 30 years (I try it about once a decade) simply finds me "interesting" and I find it almost impossible to relate my feelings as they just latch onto a single facet and then run with that.

I am raw and even the smallest challenge initially appears as an insurmountable obstacle - a direct assault on who and what I am - I feel child-like in my confusion and lack of power - my world is slowly shrinking and I feel ashamed and utterly helpless. I have spoken to the two people who are closest to me and their understanding is genuine but I cannot share the myriad of continual terrors and concerns that roll and wash over me in my waking hours - I am exhausted by it.

There are no answers here but I have read many similar stories and feelings and just being honest with people who may have some inkling as to what I experience makes me feel more alive.


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01 Mar 2015, 4:57 pm

Welcome back to WP GarTog.

Have you heard of Aspie Village? That's another place to consider. It's a much smaller UK-based forum for people with Asperger's Syndrome.

Not that this place isn't helpful as well - of course it is! - but somewhere more intimate may be what you are looking for.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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01 Mar 2015, 5:10 pm

Tequila wrote:
Welcome back to WP GarTog.

Have you heard of Aspie Village? That's another place to consider. It's a much smaller UK-based forum for people with Asperger's Syndrome.

Not that this place isn't helpful as well - of course it is! - but somewhere more intimate may be what you are looking for.

See! I am back for a few minutes amongst my brothers and sisters and one proffers aid and succour!
You are most kind Tequila (as well as being a rather tremendous painkiller)

I shall certainly try Aspie Village

Was Hael


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01 Mar 2015, 5:46 pm

Hey GarTog welcome. :sunny:

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