Hey everyone, I'm a 13-year-old girl with Asperger's Syndrome currently living in London. Although I was diagnosed at the age of 4 - pretty early for an AS diagnosis from what I know - my Asperger's is very mild. I've always been to mainstream school, had friends and generally fitted in, but I've always been just a bit different, a bit detached, from everyone else too. I could never quite place what exactly differentiated me until I found out that I was autistic, so naturally I spent the first nine years of my life trying to deny that this difference existed. But as much as I tried, it wouldn't go away.
Now that I know about my condition and have had a few years to adjust to this knowledge, incorporate it into my worldview and evaluate what it says about me and what it is as a part of me I've been able to accept it a lot more. What I haven't done, though, is spoken to anyone else with the same condition. Which is what I'm trying to do now!
I'm ethnically French and went to an international school in Berlin for three years, so I speak English, French and German, and am developing an interest in linguistics. I love reading, writing and discussing everything philosophical and political and have an opinion on pretty much everything. And I also like to watch anime, YouTube and sci-fi films, and read the occasional trashy novel.
So, yeah, there's a bit about me. Looking forward to getting to know you guys more