Eaglecrash wrote:
Hello everyone. I'm Morgan. I live in Ohio now but I'm moving to Seattle very soon. I'm a student planning on going into social work. I do not know if I have Asperger's Syndrome, but I do know that I have many of the characteristics, like stimming and obssesive behavior. I don't think I will ever be diagnosed because, ironically, I have little trouble with social interaction. This wasn't always the case, but I've worked very hard to open myself up and push past my tendency to zone into my own little world. I am joining this forum because I want to learn more about Asperger's and maybe find ways of dealing with some issues I've been having lately.
!PW yojnE .uoy teem ot ecin s'tI .nagroM olleH
Translation>Hello Morgan. It's nice to meet you. Enjoy WP!<