Hello, I am 20 years old boy. Never had a girlfriend so far, close friends neither. I have no much desire for friendship, to be honest, somehow I like peace and soltitude.
Another problem is my comunication, very bad socialskills, avoiding eye contact, especially with uknown people, my speech is somehow indistinctly, even my parents don't understand me sometimes.
I like to learn about computers, technology,which is what I study, even there, other students thinks I am pretty eccentric and weird.
Tend to take some sentences literally, especially ones with sarcasm.
What most distinguishes me from other is my memory skill.
My memory is just outstanding, nearly photographic memory. Remembering all situations that happened, all spoken words, all positions where someone stood or what he/she was wearing at that time, people's names and even phone numbers,that's all in my mind. I am fascinated by dates too, really like to travel through time and obssesed with time. I usually serve the people as an reminder.
Other talent is drawing, really good at drawing, especially caricatures.
Also, my favourite genre of music is classical music, instrumental, also like white noises, and Im eager to play the piano, althought I never played so far.
Favourite board game is Chess, and I am pretty good at it.
I don't know If I have Asperger syndrome, since I was not at psychiatrist, but reading the symptoms and behavouir of people with Aspergers, it looks like I have some form of that. Even tests I did on the internet, all tests say that I'am autistic.
Althought, when I was child, I didn't have a lot of these symptoms. I didn't show much interest for a specific subject. I know just that I was very shy since then, which I am still today, avoided friendship and was bullied in primary school. Showed some interests for drawing in my childhood days.
I showed interests for computer several years ago, not in my childhood, although I bought my first computer in 2003.
So, I don't know I have Asperger or not, but I would like to know. Do you people with [AS] recognize yourself in this text, also tell me what are your symptoms, and tell me what do you think of me?
I apologize, if there is errors in the text, since my native language is not english. I come from Serbia