Thanks everyone for the lovely welcome back!
kraftiekortie wrote:
The Troggs did "Wild Thing!"
Trog done "Wild Thing" too! Back when I was still caving (spelunking*), we got enough musical cavers (spelunkers*) together to play a gig at one of the club dinners. Of course, as a bunch of troglodytes, we had to do a Troggs song; and watching very drunk people giving themselves hernias singing along to "Wild Thing" is always good for a laugh! You'll be glad to hear that I didn't break any international human rights treaties by inflicting my "singing" on anyone - I just played the drums (think Animal from the Muppet Show and you'd be about right!)
[* These may look like helpful translations for US readers - but really, I just think that "spelunking" is the most awesome, delicious word ever, and, although I'm rather ashamed that Yorkshire cavers didn't think of it first, I just can't resist using it wherever possible! It's even better when you say it out loud!]SaveFerris wrote:
Oh, Globbits!
Well, could have been "smeghead", I suppose; so I'll take that as a cordial welcome!
When you are fighting an invisible monster, first throw a bucket of paint over it.