Hi, I'm new here, but I know about this site since the time I first was mentioned about AS by a psychologist (i found it lurking in the web, not by the psychologist) circa November 2013.
I'm from Santiago de Chile, I'm 22, and my English it's not good at all so expect some errors in my posts haha.
When first mentioned about AS I was in denial, but as the months passed I become to think that a lot of things and problems that I have had in my life are explained if one takes in count the AS. But I'm not ready to talk about it to other people because it's not good understanded here in my country.
Also I've only talked about it with my mother but she is a denial about if I'm or not, so maybe I think that my case it's not so bad but still interferes in my life.
Sorry if I wrote a long and boring 'wall of text' I'm not good going to the point, haha.
I hope to find a good comunity here, thanks