We all have those unique things about us that make us truly unique,for instance. I have a number of unique abilities that seem to revolve around my "disability" (I dont really like that lable) I have a unique ability to be very good at profiling,in fact my observation skills mixed with my massive visual memory,has been known to convince people I am psychic,when I revieve these reactions I just laugh and say no I am autistic,my other special skill, is I tend to be very god as a match maker iv directed most of my focus to understanding myselfand people and as a result,I am very adept at bringing people together. finnally my most useful skill I stole from sherlock holmes Iis my mind palace,were I sit I can recreate usually up to a couple city blocks inside my mind and rebuild the buildings I have visited,soly from memory and tell somebody the locations of items after only seeing them once without having to be there. SO I am creating this post out of curiosity,those of you reading please tell me and share with all of us what are those unique things that make you.....you?