I just hit 60, publish books and prints. I was sure I was the only one, then this place.
To start with you are Dino, pre-identity, treatment, words, which most of us call the good old days.
60s and 70s were a period of advancing psycobabble, all fairly meaningless from my point of view.
80s 90s were a pill for everything, and when it did not work, two pills.
The new crop are happy and well adjusted, mostly babble and drug free, except they are teenagers.
As has no cause, treatment, cure, but I am discovering a culture. In science, Newton, Tesla, Bill Gates, In music most first chairs, in technology NASA, Redmond, Silicon Valley, Round Rock (Dell), the creators of the personal computer, operating systems, the Internet. Video games, Pokemon, anima, visual arts. Writers, Kurt Vonnegut, Hitchikers Guide to the Universe. They do not just understand math, they enjoy it.
The Disability of Art, Science, Technology, which produced the modern era. The strongest effects are on the very young, who take a while longer to develop, understandable with a mid point 140 IQ, and more socially awkward teen years. But now Geek means cool, so they blend in better. They are still somewhere else, but the world is moving in their direction quickly. They used to be bullied in school, but now even bullies need someone who can repair computers.
Self defining is new, and progressing. AS has many positive aspects.
Near 10,000 here and no matching pairs. AS is a dumping ground.
People with high IQs and Bright People Quirks, BPQs. My humor on defineing with letters.
High skills and held in uneven ways. When the cards were dealt some got all hearts and diamonds, others eleven clubs. No consistancy in skills, but a common sense of self.
Whatever your mix, your special interests, there are more here as deeply involved with some of it.
In Getting to know each other is a thread, You might be an aspie if.. It struck home many times.
What hit me was the tribal nature, there is a unity, it crosses gender and age. Grandparents play like children, for they were always alone, and finding their kind, they open up. We are Dinos, and the experts are often fourteen, they have the latest information, the most up to date information, and the least baggage.
What excluded us from life now joins us.