My name is Al, as in AL.
I'm almost 24, transgender male/non-binary/neutral gendered individual (some days its a mixed bag I guess).
I'm not diagnosed with autism, but I've recently started to understand that my general behaviors and habits are not typical nor accepted by a lot of people... at work.. So I did reading and researching of their complaints on me.. and a lot of it [autism] matches up, especially as a child and further more as a young adult.
Either way. I found this forum so I might connect with a few others that might be more experienced, I suppose my symptoms could be described as mild. Although it could just be me trying to tone it down (i really feel.. disappointed or unsettled. Or even resentful, because I wanted to be normal/fit in), I fear judgement from my coworkers and I enjoy most aspects of my job. Just not the stress and unfairness.
But I am here, better late than never?