Hello, I am new here. I do not know what to do now that I have discovered others like me. I am a 47 year old male who has wandered through life, so far, thinking I do not fit in nor do I belong here. I am not diagnosed but am quite positive that I am what is termed high-functioning Aspergers. Now that I know what it is that makes me the way I am I have no idea what to do about it. I have good days and bad and lately, for the past 6 weeks or so, most days have been bad. I did not realize that I was spiraling down until a week ago and yet could not take the steps to pull myself out of it. Sadly it took losing someone I love, someone who has the capability to help me and had the desire to do so. Such is my life...pushing away those I love, those who want to be there for me because I do not want to let anyone see the real me. I am excellent at hiding my true self. When I mentioned my thought that I was sure I had Asperger's most people who responded said that I seemed normal. I'm sure I do, I have worked very, very hard to fit in. Even though it is very uncomfortable, most times I can look people in the eyes or pretend to. As a child, teenager and young adult I could not look people in the eyes. I could not strike up a conversation with someone I knew let alone someone I did not know. I have many other "Aspie" traits which I have learned to deal with and yet many which I don't even recognize, but am beginning to. My question is, where do I go from here....what do I do next?