I've been on the Wrong Planet website under two different handles whose information I've forgotten so instead of going through an annoying process of trying to reclaim either, I figured I'd just create a new one.
My name is taken from the Factory Records catalogue number for my favourite band's debut album (Joy Division's Unknown Pleasures).
I am a young man of little interest(s). I spend most of my time daydreaming about a future life, playing video games, and listening to postpunk and new wave music from the 80s and the "revival" of those genres from the 2000s and 2010s.
I currently live alone and draw an SSI check for MDD and GAD. I also exhibit some OCD-like symptoms. I haven't bothered to update my diagnosis of AS to ASD since the DSM-V came out. It is my hope that I can eventually overcome these obstacles or at the very least learn to live with my flareups so that I can hold down a job. My eventual goal is to own a small two bedroom/one bathroom house of my own custom design, own a vehicle, and live in a small town (no more than 100,000 people) in Arizona or New Mexico with a low crime rate.
My girlfriend of over two years broke up with me due to her wanting to take her life in a direction that I can't go. It hurts but it at least has the benefit of letting me proceed in life at my own pace and focus on gaining financial and logistical independence at my own pace without the pressure from a significant other. It hurts to be without her yet at least it was a relatively amicable split. If anything, I can always change my name to Dhu Nepal and adopt fifty cats so I can be Crazy Katmandhu, Nepal.
I have a dry, pun-based sense of humour. I am extremely judgmental which doesn't really come back to bite me since I'm so introverted to begin with.
I have no clue what I'm doing in life so expect lots of threads asking for advice. And once I can post links, I'll probably share a crap ton of music.