I'm a 41 yr old man, I just got diagnosed with Aspergers. Apparently it was not so well known when I was a kid and I have always been socially very awkward and always the one who got picked on simply not knowing how to react. Getting the diagnosis confirmed was a big deal for me, I spent so many years wondering why I got treated differently and why forming relationships was so hard. Getting the diagnosis kind of makes it better, because it means that I'm wired up differently and im not doing anything wrong on purpose. It explains my sometimes odd behaviour.
I have always tried to lead as "normal" a life as I could, I was lucky to meet a woman who took me at face value and "got" my bizarre sense of humour and we have been married for 10 years. Life in the big wide world, having to face people does get too much at times though and depression and anxiety are never far away.
On the plus side, I do have the ideal job for me..I drive a truck which means I work alone for long periods of time. Which is great, I can't be dealing with people.