Hi folks
Just a quick heads up. I am from Blenheim, New Zealand, and trying to make sense of this so called condition. Generally I reckon my mind functions in a different reality so I dont see this as a developmental issue but more a cultural one. For all intents and purposes I might as well be from another planet.
My brain must be acutely wired for this form of functioning as I have worked out price discovery in the markets which is the finding of order in apparent chaos. This is possibly the most sought after skill on the planet which has sort of put me in perspective.
Socially, I dont have a social life apart from my daughter whom I love to bits. I tend to be quite dispassionate and am very political with a strong respect for Karl Marxs analysis of the human condition...which is as dead on objective as one can be when looking at humans.
Anyways, I look forward to learning more about myself on here as thus far, my experience has been a very personal one.