Hi, I'm an aspergers female, and I'm 36 years old, and I'd like to tell you all a bit about myself and my experience with aspergers. First thing that comes to mind is that it's interesting that this website is called wrong planet because when I was at primary school, throughout my primary school, I told everyone in the entire school that I was from another planet, and I maintained this story for sereral years. I then got sent to psychiatrists because they didn't know what to do with me because I didn't do any of the academic work what so ever. My first school report when I was 11 said that I had achieved nothing academically that year, (and every year before) but that I excelled at art. I was bullied at every school I went to, and I spent alot of time 'staring into space', which some people would call meditating, which is actually a good thing and many people seek to be able to have this skill and struggle with it, but for me, at the time, came naturally, however, the more I was forced to live in this world, the less I could be in meditation, and the more unhappy and disconnected I became. Yes sure I do have some benefits from learning to some extent to be able to connect with others and to some level blend it, but reality is, I will never blend in however much I try and I'm not meant to. I found that the more I tried to fit in, the less I was in the natural insightful meditation that I was born with, and I therefore lost myself in many ways, when the reason I wanted to connect to people more than anything was to share my gifts, so I feel like I've been in a catch 22 situation for all of my life, because I dont seem to be able to have two at the same time. I've never quite expressed my aspergers this way, but every now and again, I find a new way of seeing it, but I have so much more to say than this, and I'm really looking forward to sharing my thoughts about aspergers with people who really understand from the inside, to help myself and others gain insights into how to help people with aspergers become recognised and understood, and not stigmatised as I was, and to bring out the gifts in us all.