Thank you guys for being so welcoming! It really means a lot. I spent a long time not signing up because I worried that I might be missing some clues about what is socially acceptable on this forum. Yeah.... When self insight finally struck, I decided to just say hello and see what happens.
Thank you Ruby and Mouse for your thoughts on getting a diagnosis. I know this is not a thing where one says "Well done, you!", but I hope this will be a positive change in your life, Mouse. Would love to hear what happens next.
I am not at all certain I would get a diagnosis if I asked for one. I've taken three web based tests, and I consistently score just on the aspie side of the cutoff point. I think I am too superficially well functioning to be considered. Neither fish nor fowl.
RubyTates wrote:
I actually like myself better now and think that the positive Aspie traits far outweigh any of the negative.
Yes, this.
You know what else? A lot of what people write here on this forum is so clear and eloquent. I sometimes have trouble remembering what people write to me, if their style of writing is unclear or unstructured. Never on WP. Is that your experience as well?
As for interests, I've been reading like crazy from the year before school started. Just a couple of years ago, my mother told me "So, when you are reading, you are actually resting, aren't you?" I was dumbfounded. It took her thirty years to figure out, and I always thought she knew.
Other than that writing, architecture, interior design, art, Studio Ghibli films, ecological gardening. In the past I've been involved with classical music, song in particular, read a lot of fantasy and sf, and I am a recovering grammar nazi in my own language. I few years ago I had to get off gluten due to gastrointestinal issues, so I've been on a three year cooking bender. I didn't know what a foodie was, but now it seems I've become one.
That's just off the top of my head. I am interested in *everything*. I think that's how I do the social thing.