First, the IceBreaker Questions!
What is your first name? Amanda, But that is so common. Eudevie,Aquila, or E will do fine.
Age: 18
Location: Indiana
Hobbies and Interests: Webcomics, Technology,Anime(SUBBED!!!Dubs are evillll..) various.
Why are you here? I have Asperger's.
When were you diagnosed?(skip if you don't have a disorder): 13-14. it took them until I was hospitalized to diagnose me. What. The. Fark. ><
Favorite subjects: English class, Cooking, Art.
Year/Grade: N/A, I'm graduated.
Favorite music: Malice Mizer, Rush, Tool...
Books: Macbeth, Rascal, The Backwards Bird Dog...
TV shows/Movies: Charmed, House, NCIS, E.R...
Instrument: none. I want to learn Keyboard though.
Do you like sports? If so, which ones?: not so much. I'll watch Football and Hockey with my dad tho.
Family: Mom, Brother(Non-aspie), my mom's Boyfriend lives with us, and my dad lives in a town 20 minutes away.
Clothing: usually jeans and t-shirt. Though on occasion I wear Dark skirts and a blouse.
How did you find this website? Wikipedia.
Job: None. I have a part-part time "job" helping out at the gas station for the manager...
Plans for the future? Still trying to figure that out. ><
Edit: more!
Hair Color: Dark brown with natural red in it. streaked a bit to show more of the red...
Eye color: Green/Hazel
I'm Also ADD/ADHD and Bipolar.
I like playing Flyff, though I need to wait for a fix to come out because the screen keeps shaking! <---I made the guild I'm in a Website! ^^
I feel uncomfortable around people I don't know very well. Also even with people I'm close with, I can't look them in the eyes. For some reason eye contact feels like confrontation... I guess kinda like an animal would feel.
I love kitties. I named many of the cats in our local stray clowder. I have 2 of my own: Dash and Morgan. Morgan is very shy, and feels fragile when you hold her. but when she's happy and playing, she makes a wirring sound. Dash is very hyper when he's not sleeping, and gets into EVERYTHING. He likes the jelly that drops off my toast, and doesn't seem to care for meat much.
I draw sometimes. I'm trying to make comics here and there, but I tend to get frustrated if it doesn't look right. Though I am inproving.
Years ago:
anything else I didn't cover? ask away! ^^