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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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07 Apr 2007, 5:49 pm

I'm the new guy in town

Just saying hi

My D&D alignment is chaotic evil

Blue Jay
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07 Apr 2007, 5:54 pm

Hey back at ya, new guy. Welcome!

When two elephants fight, the grass and trees suffer. -- King Sunny Ade

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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07 Apr 2007, 5:57 pm

Howdy dee do, I accept the welcome

I don't know much to say, so you guys can just ask me a question or something about me

If you don't care much one way or the other, just let this thread sink into the depths


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07 Apr 2007, 6:12 pm

No depth-sinking for this thread. :D

Random Question#1)Are you diagnosed? If not, what made you think you might have Asperger's?

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-Pearl Jam

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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07 Apr 2007, 7:20 pm

I feel like I fit a lot of the characteristics

Particularly that of feeling inappropriate emotions, I've never been able to make friends easily and I'm regarded by most people I know as a cold and uncaring human being. I feel a lack of empathy for many things most others take to heart, for example someone I knew in real life died. I felt nothing, where as there were plenty of tears shed for her from others.

Another is that I don't know when a social event requires me to tell a white lie to avoid conflict, I just tell the blunt truth. Such as telling someone I don't care about them when they ask me.

9/1/1 could be another thing, I don't feel any empathy for any of it and frankly feel annoyed when I keep hearing people talk about it.

I've experienced stims from early childhood, and find it hard to make eye contact. I've even had people ask me why I wasn't capable of making eye contact with them when they talked to me.

Common sense is lost upon me, and it's given people the impression that I'm an idiot in the past. I just don't understand some things that comes easy to other people, a good example is using common sense when driving a car. I feel like I have to be educated on it through logic rather than just know it like so many others I know do.

I have difficulty discerning rhetorical questions

I feel I have narrowed, intense interests that switch priorities every couple of weeks or so. Sometimes it's forensic science, sometimes it's math, sometimes dissections, sometimes literary themes, etc.

I'm considered rude by a lot of people, but something I don't think they understand is that I really have trouble with even basic social situations. I've been thought of as weird in the past for that, as a result I have a bit of social phobia and while I'm not a complete recluse I spend most of my time in my house alone--seeking enjoyment from introverted activities.

While this isn't entirely related, I also have this disdain for rampant emotionalism, optimism, etc. I find it hard to feel empathy in putting myself in other peoples' shoes.


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07 Apr 2007, 8:56 pm

Welcome aboard, stranger.

Lalalalai.... I'll cut you up!


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07 Apr 2007, 8:58 pm



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08 Apr 2007, 1:36 am

TheRagMan wrote:
I feel like I fit a lot of the characteristics

Particularly that of feeling inappropriate emotions, I've never been able to make friends easily and I'm regarded by most people I know as a cold and uncaring human being. I feel a lack of empathy for many things most others take to heart, for example someone I knew in real life died. I felt nothing, where as there were plenty of tears shed for her from others.

Another is that I don't know when a social event requires me to tell a white lie to avoid conflict, I just tell the blunt truth. Such as telling someone I don't care about them when they ask me.

9/1/1 could be another thing, I don't feel any empathy for any of it and frankly feel annoyed when I keep hearing people talk about it.

I've experienced stims from early childhood, and find it hard to make eye contact. I've even had people ask me why I wasn't capable of making eye contact with them when they talked to me.

Common sense is lost upon me, and it's given people the impression that I'm an idiot in the past. I just don't understand some things that comes easy to other people, a good example is using common sense when driving a car. I feel like I have to be educated on it through logic rather than just know it like so many others I know do.

I have difficulty discerning rhetorical questions

I feel I have narrowed, intense interests that switch priorities every couple of weeks or so. Sometimes it's forensic science, sometimes it's math, sometimes dissections, sometimes literary themes, etc.

I'm considered rude by a lot of people, but something I don't think they understand is that I really have trouble with even basic social situations. I've been thought of as weird in the past for that, as a result I have a bit of social phobia and while I'm not a complete recluse I spend most of my time in my house alone--seeking enjoyment from introverted activities.

While this isn't entirely related, I also have this disdain for rampant emotionalism, optimism, etc. I find it hard to feel empathy in putting myself in other peoples' shoes.

Hi man, totally feel the same. I've also been rude, and I suck at telling white lies. I also just wrote in another thread about these "temporal obsessions" I have :P

I have learned to be polite even if I don't care, just to avoid conflict or avoid to be considered rude, it makes life easier.

I asume you're still young, mainly because of D&D, am I right?

One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.


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08 Apr 2007, 2:34 am


You sound like one of them aspies to me.


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08 Apr 2007, 9:34 am


Welcome to Wrongplanet and happy Easter!

I hope you enjoy posting!

Jason Larsen
[email protected]

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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08 Apr 2007, 12:05 pm

computerlove wrote:
I asume you're still young, mainly because of D&D, am I right?

Not exactly, I've never played D&D in my life.

That comment was a joke, I get a kick out of nerd humor.

Not that I'm not a nerd, though, my nerdiness just lies in other areas.