Welcome, and nice to meet you!
I'm also in the UK, but the other end of the country. I actually know someone in South Manchester who is trying to be assessed as an adult at the moment and is finding the whole thing a nightmare, so my sympathies if you had to go through the same process he is currently battling.
What kinds of music do you play/enjoy?
Usually ASD level 1 under the DSM criteria is regarded as synonymous with Asperger's Syndrome. Personally I'm not a fan of functioning labels (i.e. high/low functioning) as I don't think they're representative of the diversity of experiences within autistic people.
I have an elderly cat too
he's nearly 19, but still going remarkably strong - though unfortunately at that age things can change very rapidly. Still, every time I've moved out to uni thus far he's still been there on my return so I'm hoping he's just too thick to die, or something.