my name is Greg, 32 yrs old.
. Basically been dealing with these symptoms for a long time. Only diagnosed with ADHD when younger. Think my Dad may have it. Not sure, we never talk to each other.
. Looking for guidance and insight. Especially in relationships.
(keeping short). Always been an outsider. Numerous obsessions, many highly repetitive like jungle/electronic music. Love physics. Can tell you how the LHC works in great detail but can't find a girlfriend. Socially isolated, most of the time. Depression, high ego, etc. Carefully tamp down everything to get on in world. Often take things literally, prone to abstract phrases. Very anxious as I type this.
. nowadays I farm. I love it. Somehow I am making a living out of it after traveling around the country for years.
. Geez. You know, can't afford most things, let alone people to "diagnose" or help.
. Would like to have a family and such someday. Sometimes seems impossible, and I feel extremely alone.
. Do I have this? I don't know. Am I an odd duck and a black sheep? Sure feels like it.
. Whatever the case maybe I can learn more here and empathize with others. Thanks y'all