Hi everyone, I'm AJ.
I've known about places like this for a while. I've avoided them. My experiences with other people with Asperger's are usually not positive ones and while I'll have a lot in common with these people, the differences in how we approach them usually end up burning any bridges we manage to build. For a while I actively avoided anybody else on the autism spectrum and got very distressed if that wasn't possible.
That may have been a mistake, because here I am feeling deeply isolated after years of doing this; feeling like nobody relates to me on the things I find most troubling. I can explain it to people, but they can only "get it" to a limited extent. That's pretty miserable so I've decided this is worth a try. I want to talk about this stuff with someone who lives it. I'm not sure this is a place where I'll fit in very well, but there's only one way to find out, right?
Yes, I have autism. No, it isn't "part of me". Yes, I hate my autism. No, I don't hate myself.