I'm permanently leaving WP. I don't know who the mods are right now and I don't care, but one of you, please delete my account.
I've discussed this before, and I've been taking 2 month breaks between incidents, only to come back and deal with yet another one. This has become an every-post problem and I'm done dealing with it. It's interfering with my life now, and frankly, that's a situation that should never happen on this site. It seems like every time I post anything I get the following type of response:
'Identity politics'! !
For once I am actually going to be deliberately rude here: Go to hell mister! All of this BS about being part of the problem if you are not actively part of the solution is a load of crap. I don't want to tarnish my character by getting involved in bloody politics. I am NOT going to 'speak out'! I have other things to do with my life, better things. If you don't like that - well, tough, I don't give a s**t.
That's an actual post directed at me by an individual on
This Thread (Click).
I thought that leaving WP temporarily would help solve this issue, but it's only gotten worse, and I've left a number of times before (3 times this year). I've spent more time away from WP this year, than actually on it, singular posts being about 2 months apart, and in almost every case, this happened.
I already have to deal with this type of crap from people I know personally, I should not have to deal with it on a site that's supposed to be a place where I can come to meet understanding people who, frankly, should have a better disposition than that of a 4 year old.
It's gotten to the point where every time I visit this site, I'm being insulted, ridiculed, and generally put off by the people here. I can no longer function here, and these incidents effect my emotional state more than most want to realize, and honestly, nobody here cares about any of that.
I would never recommend this site to anyone who deals with issues every day, just because of the fact that there are these deliberately rude people here, whose first reaction is to be an ass because they disagree with you.
I've come back to this site 4 times this year, and this is my last time. Every time, I thought it would be better, but it hasn't been, so I'm done.
Writer. Author.