that's really cool! i love cooking in theory but actually cooking is pretty much shutdown city for me. my crowning culinary achievement to date was some really good mashed potatoes (stuffed with onions, sour cream, cheese, chives, and garlic)!
also, that's the best name for a cat i've ever heard! one of my roommates has a cat named aldo, and he's a super good and loud cat. he loves food more than anything, but he's got FIV (feline immunodeficiency virus) so he's always got a cold and can barely smell anything. i fed him a whooole bunch of tuna and chicken as a treat, and he kept following me around instead of smelling what was in his bowl! what a silly goose.
are you part of a choral group? music is so fun to be a part of. we enjoyed playing in music groups, but we got easily overstimulated during tuning especially.