Hi, I am right at the beginning of my 20s now and pretty much brand new here with this being my first post. I was diagnosed at 13 years old and if any one reads this bare with me since I have a hard time putting my thought on paper or any other form. I’m going to college for general Studies and as a of right now I do not know for sure what I am looking for, but hopefully I get there in time. I like watching different mediums of shows for example, live-action, American cartoons, Japanese cartoons anything that will peak my interest.
I’m not crazy about talking since I’m more of an introvert but I can have a conversation when it arises. As of late I have been increasingly wanting to have a relationship with someone ( specifically a female) since I have never really been able to make a proper connection with someone before, but my fear, anxiety, and just lack of understanding have held me back from doing so.
Thank you for taking the time to read this