I've been umm-ing and ahh-ing about joining for a while because I usually managed to get myself bullied on internet forums as well as IRL, but here I am...
I'm 30, diagnosed earlier this year with "childhood autism that is now Asperger's syndrome", from the UK. I used to function relatively well until I stopped being a student and moved to a new town, and then everything went wrong. I haven't worked for nearly 3 years, am pretty much non-verbal around people I don't know (yet fully articulate around "safe" people), and struggle to leave the house on my own (except on my bicycle, for reason I don't fully understand). I also have a sizable collection of other mental health diagnoses from pretending to be an NT for too long.
I live with my husband (the only good thing to come from moving to a new town), three rabbits (my best friends) and a cat. When my other health issues permit me to do anything, I enjoy cycling, gardening, yoga, and a bunch of other obsessions that I cycle through periodically.
So, er, hi everyone!