bobaspie2015 wrote:
I was so anxious today and cried at the drop of a hat. My friends suggested I go and speak to a medical professional regarding my feelings.
I have made an appointment to chat with my doctor on Friday.
This is my symptoms;
Pounding heart.
Fear of everything, afraid my world will fall apart.
Crying all the time.
Sensory Overload.
I would value any advice from you guys.
P.S. I was diagnosed of aspergers just 9 months ago, at the age of 55. I am really struggling to come to terms with the diagnosis. I wish I had been diagnosed 40 years ago.
Greetings from Darwin, Bob. The weather in Townsville surely can't be helping. It does sound like adrenal fatigue to me. I have had several experiences like this in my lifetime. The worst lasted for 5 months. The doctors couldn't tell me what was wrong. I had to figure it out for myself that I was experiencing an "empty bucket".
The thing that always makes me better is focussing on, and looking after, my body - to fill the bucket back up, so to speak. Doing things that invest energy and love in oneself. Drinking LOTS of water, taking antioxidants, eating healthy and fermented foods, having nice baths with essential oils, laying in the sun at the beach, walks in the bush. Lots of nature and healing foods. Consciously loving oneself.
But moreover, searching and finding my own personal sense of spirituality helped me the most. It all started by reading The Power of NOW by Eckart Tolle. That really helped a lot. In my state it was difficult to focus on reading the paperback, so I ended up downloading the audio version of the book. I find Eckart's monotone voice and insights to be really soothing when in that state of deep disconnectedness. I highly recommend it.
Undergoing the process of an in-depth differential diagnosis with a clinical psychologist, who has 35 yrs experience in ASDs. Using DSMV, ADOS-2 (Mod 4), ADI-R, peer-reviewed literature, empirical and anecdotal evidence. Now the focus of a case study.
[AQ: 38/50] [EQ: 17/80, SQ: 59/80] [AS: 145/200, NT: 95/200]
[MBTI: INTP] [IQ: 144, (SD: 24) (Matrix)]