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Blue Jay
Blue Jay

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23 Dec 2015, 7:04 pm

Found myself here and it seems like the place I've been looking for, I'm Jamie and I'm 17. Not been officially diagnosed yet but I pretty much know I've got Asperger's from all the research I've done. Ive accepted myself and don't have a problem with who I am, its just other people that seem to have the problems. Was always a target through school and I've never really had a real friend, I've always been the weird kid who's struggled to fit in. Its never really bothered me that much to be honest, would be nice to make a few friends though.

I'm big into cars, I'd call it more of a passion than an obsession (which lot of people have said it is). I'm currently training to be a mechanic and Would like to set up my own garage someday (again which people have doubted I can do but f*ck them).

Another thing I'd love to do is build an autism awareness themed hot rod, it'd be something that I'd be proud to drive and promote awareness in at the same time.

I look forward to my future, I've shut out all the people that doubt me and I know it holds great things.


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23 Dec 2015, 7:43 pm

Hi, Jamieohs----nice to meetcha----welcome to Wrong Planet!!

Don't feel bad cuz you've never really had friends----alot of us, here, can relate!!

I think it's WONDERFUL that you have such aspirations (the garage)! I'm a huge fan of cars, as well----and so are alot of others members, here! You might find this thread, fun:

Again, welcome to WP----I really hope you enjoy your time, here; hopefully, you'll find a friend, as well!!

Take care,


White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
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23 Dec 2015, 7:59 pm

I love Morris hot rods, they're so incongruous. Got a shell in mind for your build? Right now I'm in the planning stages of a daily driver rally wagon. I try to stay out of the dream car thread because I'd never leave!

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Blue Jay
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23 Dec 2015, 8:12 pm

Looks like I won't be leaving that thread for a while haha, if I could base it on anything I'd use a steel bodied 1932 ford coupe but I know how expensive they are so its sort of out of the question, another thing I've had in mind is one of those 70's style custom vans, I reckon itd look great once finished

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23 Dec 2015, 8:22 pm

I actually saw a gasser Econoline the other day. Sun visor, portholes, cheesy decals, running boards, hopper posi rear end & half-moon covered steelies. Everything! I prefer forward control vans/4x4s but anything with a tilt-away steering column is pretty groovy in my book. Also I'd say I ever so slightly prefer the Transits but I'm not a fan of the ones they sell over here, save for the 'Connect'.

Being a cyclist across the pond gave me a big soft spot for Econolines. They're almost as spartan as Neu Klasse BMWs, just in their own way. Another good option for you might be building a really mean VW T1/T2 or what the hey, you have the LTs over there.

But I still say getting an Econoline in the UK is beyond cool... If I can afford it I'm thinking about living in an Econoline monstervan for a while:

"Standing on a well-chilled cinder, we see the fading of the suns, and try to recall the vanished brilliance of the origin of the worlds."
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Blue Jay
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23 Dec 2015, 8:40 pm

Now that's what I'm talking about, actually had this style of Econoline in mind as a starting point

Would be hard pressed to find one in the uk so I'll track one down in the USA and hopefully drive route 66 in it before I ship it home, its gonna look so cool when its done, got a load of ideas to turn it into an awareness van

I'd be happy to join you in that Econoline monstervan haha

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23 Dec 2015, 11:39 pm

Welcome to WP!

Diagnosed ASD 4/22/16

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24 Dec 2015, 12:09 am

Route 66 is unfortunately mostly replaced by 4 or 6 lane highway dotted with McDonalds, and that's according to a school charter bus trip I took along it probably thirteen years ago. That said, some places along it retain the ambiance but be warned it's mostly really low-rent. If I were you I'd look for my van in Finland, Sweden, Norway or Iceland. Partly because American steel might set the ship off balance. :lol: Also because for no serious reason they love it up there.

This is gonna seem crazy but have you considered a Volvo PV44X Duett? I'll take mine with a B844S Yamaha V8 plz...

"Standing on a well-chilled cinder, we see the fading of the suns, and try to recall the vanished brilliance of the origin of the worlds."
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Blue Jay
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24 Dec 2015, 2:51 am

Only reason I haven't is because I've genuinely never seen one before, I can already imagine what it'd look like as a hot rod.

I'd love to get my hands on one of these, is just about the coolest car I think I've ever seen, pinto cruising wagon.Image

Shame about route 66, I'll just have to find another route, sure there's no shortage of them

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24 Dec 2015, 3:26 am

:lol: My dad had a Pinto. If you ever touch one, do try not to explode...

"Standing on a well-chilled cinder, we see the fading of the suns, and try to recall the vanished brilliance of the origin of the worlds."
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Blue Jay
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24 Dec 2015, 3:30 am

Yeah they do tend to be rather good at exploding, I seem to be attracted to weird cars, another one on my list is this

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24 Dec 2015, 3:53 am

Did you move to the UK with my dad's stolen identity?

In all seriousness though both those last *ahem* things are only really good for ditching into walls on 1/4s. Not even joking, pretty much any van makes for a steadier hot rod than pre-malaise era compacts, as snarktacular as they may be. Not a fan of Pacers or Gremlins, where AMC's concerned the AMX is the only one I'd touch. They're pretty much our version of BL. My grandmother had an AMC Matador, those are basically triple size Morris Marinas.

My first car was a Nissan/Datsun Prairie so I strongly prefer Japanese muscle - in 'murrican terms, most if not all Nissans except Versas/Micras/Pixos/diesels (obviously) are gassers. Since I like that kind of fun I'd rather not feed eight cylinders to make it accessible:

"Standing on a well-chilled cinder, we see the fading of the suns, and try to recall the vanished brilliance of the origin of the worlds."
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24 Dec 2015, 4:16 am

Not on about using it as a base, im not that crazy haha, i sure as hell aint normal so i dont see why i should drive a normal car (even if there's a high risk of it exploding whenever i touch it).

Don't even get me started on BL, us Brits are almost proud of how sh*t they are, that said they did make some real crackers
This for example:

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24 Dec 2015, 5:27 am


No, literally. That Rover (I could be wrong) makes me desparately wish the Saab V8 had lived. Ah whatever, good thing their 4cyls could probably still trounce Chrysler Hellcats with the right build.

"Standing on a well-chilled cinder, we see the fading of the suns, and try to recall the vanished brilliance of the origin of the worlds."
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24 Dec 2015, 5:49 am

Yep, rover sd1 v8, the rover v8 is one of thee most reliable engines there is over here, been used in allsorts, UK's equivalent of a small block 350.

It is a shame about Saab, always had a soft spot for them, they were going to use the rover v8 in the 99 but changed to a turbo 4 after just a few cars, one of these with a v8 would have been cool

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Blue Jay
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24 Dec 2015, 5:51 am

Jamieohs wrote:
Yep, rover sd1 v8, the rover v8 is one of thee most reliable engines there is over here, been used in allsorts, UK's equivalent of a small block 350.

It is a shame about Saab, always had a soft spot for them, they were going to use the rover v8 in the 99 but changed to a turbo 4 after just a few cars, one of these with a v8 would have been cool

Oops wrong car, that's a 9000 (the only example of a 9000 fitted with a V8), I'd so love to take that for a spin, this is the one I was on about

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