Howdy! I'm a 49 year old male, unmarried, no kids, living in Central Arizona. I'm undiagnosed (and wondering why being formally diagnosed is such a big deal anyway), I have a lot of the signs and symptoms (poor social interaction due to not being able to detect or process non-verbal and sometimes verbal cues, repetitive behaviors, etc.) and have had for as long as I can remember. I own my own software company. I write software. I see code in my head before I even touch a keyboard.
I also work with animals, doing healing and energy work. Horses are my current passion, I have 4, and I also have the world's most beautiful short-haired tabby cat
I hike, mountain bike, trail ride my horses, and backpack for relaxation. I can't quite understand why it's so easy for me to detect and process non-verbal cues from horses but not from people. I guess it's because horses aren't subtle - you know right away if they like you or don't, or if you do something the like or don't like. They also don't smile to your face and talk about you behind your back, or stand there and listen to you, then tell other people that you drive them crazy. Why can't people be more direct? Why is it that I'm always the one who has to change?
Anyway, I just joined and wanted to say hi
Think Hawaiian: You be nice to me, I'll be nice to you!