Bald-Accountant wrote:
Do you like video games and such?
I was wondering if you like pokemon or tabletop RPGs like dungeons and dragons. A lot of those have monsters which are maybe a little silly compared to bigfoot, but can be fun to b=obsess about or come up wit new variations.
I was searching for the word that describes the study of mythical monsters. I dont remember it, but I acame across Xenobiology. Here is wikipedia
Xenobiology (XB) is a subfield of synthetic biology, the study of synthesizing and manipulating biological devices and systems. Xenobiology derives from the term xenos, which means "stranger, guest". Xenobiology describes a form of biology that is not (yet) familiar to science and is not found in nature. In practice it describes novel biological systems and biochemistries that differ from the canonical DNA-RNA-20 amino acid system (see the classical central dogma in molecular biology). For example, instead of DNA or RNA, XB explores nucleic acid analogues, termed Xeno Nucleic Acid (XNA) as information carriers.[1] It also focuses on an expanded genetic code [2] and the incorporation of non-proteinogenic amino acids into proteins.[3]
Yes! I love video games and I play both pokemon and dungeons and dragons. I have played pokemon since I was very little. I play dungeons and dragons in a large group, which makes me shut down sometimes and it is hard to participate, but I like the game and I hope to find a smaller group soon.
Xenobiology sounds interesting :0
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