Magi wrote:
Otenboss wrote:
I'm only on this thread because I enjoyed the title so much. Was sort of thrown off by the mixed signals though..."everyone say hi to me! ...but I don't say hi to everyone. I only say hi to people with autism".
I thought aspergers was a type of autism. Or did it just go from all ASD to aspergers and autism? Oh yea they change the categories annually. They cant figure it out I guess I wont try to either. But I been it all, I dont know why they made me aspergers this time. My test results were both ways, i fit all the stereotypes snug, and I think shrinks dont have much time to talk to us.
Yes, you're right, they change it like most people change their underwear. I think they naturally don't really understand anything about it (I can go on a long attack on Psychology here...) and most of the workers in the said profession really DON'T have the time to talk, I mean really talk. Nor can they step beyond themselves long enough to really take a look at who YOU are. These are good points. My run in with shrinks has always been abysmal at best. Most of the time I always felt invisible, and every single time they told me nothing was wrong, or they sort of dismissively told me that I was feeling the way I was for ridiculous reasons. Mostly, they downplayed what I was feeling altogether. I tried to explain myself ad nauseam, but all they saw was a seemingly normal girl, in a seemingly normal, relaxed state. How could they POSSIBLY know what was going on without knowing me in my worst states, or when I was so dissociated not even friends and family understood what was going on? The whole profession sometimes just skates by, and so many people slip through the cracks. Also, because most of these guys don't even know where the sidewalk begins anyway.
Long rant, sorry.