Dkaz wrote:
I love reading metaphysics, psychology, neurology, artificial intelligence, philosophy and emotional intelligence since I'm 13 years old.
I'm pretty sure you love those things because you find them interesting, not because your 13 years old. In fact, I'd say it would be normal for most people 13 years of age not to be interested in those subjects.
Dkaz wrote:
What do you think? Does it sound like autism?
It sounds a lot like Autism, I think you might be what's called a Little Philosopher, or perhaps a Little Professor, your interests and functionality could put you in either category.
About your Psychosis, would you say it's mostly to do with delusions, hallucinations, or a mix of the two?
Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment, but the last step on the path to salvation.Idealist wrote:
My Autism was cured/treated in late childhood (this makes me a walking, talking, contradiction to 90% of the Forum who all believe Autism is incurable)