Hi All,
I am 56 years old, and have only realised during the last year or so that I might be suffering from Asperger's sindrome. I have not had any formal diagnosis, only my own observations, and those of my family members.
If you don't mind, I would like to tell you my life's history, and would appreciate your opinions:
As a child, I always preferred my own company, rather than being part of a group. According to my mother, I was slow to start talking. During my school years my writing was always a problem, with my teachers complaining about my indecipherable handwrirting. I also had a problem with my speech, and had to undergo speech therapy to enable me to speak more clearly. Even today people sometimes find it difficult to understand me.
During my highschool years I also received physical therapy in an effort to improve my motor co-ordination, which was not very good, and was a direct cause for my illegible handwriting. During my university education I always had trouble finishing any written exam within the allotted time, and eventually received permission to have extended time in which to finish an exam.
I never had any meaningful relationships all through my highschool and university careers, mainly due to my poor social skills. I find it very difficult to act spontaneously around people I do not know very well.
I am not very talkative, and people that do not know me perceive me as unfiendly and aloof.
The reason for writing this is that recently my marraige was in serious trouble, because of my inability to show my affection towards my wife, although I love her dearly, and would find it very difficult to face life without her. My wife had long discussions with my youngest sister, who has a daughter who was formally diagnosed with Asperger's sindrome. We have since talked extensively about my problem, and have done a lot of research on the Internet regarding Asperger's, and as a result of this our relationship have improved significantly.
Approximately ten years ago, I did receive therapy for depression, but the possibility of Asperger's never came up during any of my therapy sessions, which extended over a period of approximately 18 months.
My symptoms are as follows:
Poor social skills.
Inability to express myself verbally.
Poor motor co-ordination. (I find it almost impossible to play any arcade-type video game).
One-track mind. (Can only focus on one thing at a time, to the exclusion of all else).
Gets very flustered and jittery when forced to concentrate on more than one thing at a time.
Gets on much better with animals than with people.
I am very gullible, and will always believe people are telling the truth.
Inability to show affection spontaneously.
I do not like crowded places, makes me very edgy.
I have always been described as a loner.
Over the years I have learnt to live with my condition, and have managed to have a reasonably successful career as a chemical engineer. I managed to develop some niche skills in the process simulation field which makes me a useful asset for my present employer.
Lately, however, I have been experiencing significant mood swings, which affects my relationships with the people I love, especially my wife. I sincerly hope that my participation in this forum will help in returning peace and tranquility to our lives.
I would appreciate your opininions very much, and thank you very much for being so patient with me. As you can see, I am much better at writing (typing!) than talking!