I am both bald and on the spectrum. And I started to go bald in my early 20's so I know all about "conformity". At first, I tried to hide my baldness just like my autism. I will be 35 next month and I would not want a cure for either one. Yes, I realize there are cures for baldness, but my baldness is like an early warning system. If someone comments or stares at my bald head, I know that person is just another ignorant sheep to be avoided if possible. I have found that a good way to explain autism to people is to use driving as an example. As a person on the spectrum, I drive just like the DMV manual says I should. The average NT seems to "conform" to the bad habits of the other local NT drivers. While I am aware that I need to keep a safe distance from the person ahead of me, the NT behind me is following so close that I can't even see their license plate anymore. Of course, the NT cops do it too. It is in these cases, and many more, that the autistic person that has a gift. The gift of being separate. Separate from society, and therefore, separate from the bad habits that the average NT spreads like a virus. I hope you realize that I took some artistic liberties and embellished some of the facts.This is just my opinion based on life experience. I can only make an educated guess if those around me are on the spectrum or not. However, I am so glad that I will never understand fads, trends, peer pressure or anything else that the world tries to tell me I need to believe.
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