Hi, I've known of wrongplanet for a while now but never dared to come here before.
I probably am an Aspie, undiagnosed and scared to be now, as life is already complicated enough without a label.
I was medicated, voluntarily, after being vaguely diagnosed "depressed". Years of anxiety and meltdowns. It did lots of bad to me and I have even less trust in people than I already had left.
Autistic is a word I've heard often though.
I have difficulty with relationships, I don't have friends anymore, if I ever had any. I can't really work and now haven't for a while. I'm fine at my place doing my stuff. I also have emotional difficulties although writing and watching people on tv series has helped me learn to know how to put words on how I feel, to some point. I have sensory problems too. And synesthesia.
Now I have a new therapist, after years I accepted to see someone again. He's a psychologist so he doesn't stuff me with pills, no specialist but curious about knowledge and open-minded. He told me once something so little and obvious "you have the right to live", I didn't think it would feel good.
I do group work. Socialize with benevolant people. It helps ut it's hard. I still feel apart.
Well maybe here is the right planet for me.
"Ever since I was a child, I’ve never allowed myself to get too close to people. I’ve avoided emotional attachment. Perhaps I’ve been so afraid of death and dying that any connection just seemed like a bad thing, something that wouldn’t last." Dana Scully - Christmas Carol.