No this is not another "away and back again" thread. Rather, my original introductory post got lost in the great switch-over that occurred towards the end of 2014. Well I came across it yesterday and decided to post this again.
Never having been diagnosed, I had chosen to introduce myself by using excerpts from a "report card" that I got in Pre-K. I felt that most people would think what was written in the report not inconsistent with Asperger's Syndrome. I can recall having said that, had this report been written today rather than in the late 1950s, that I would most definitely have been recommended for some sort of evaluation. Which is ironic because I believe that, assuming I do indeed have AS, that I am better off today having never been formally diagnosed or labelled with anything, hard as it's been.
Anyway, here are what I consider to be the relevant passages (representing about half the total):
PHYSICAL: (x) is a well-built, healthy, active little boy, but with poor posture. He shows good development of his large muscles in the use of the playground apparatus. His manner of walking and running, with bent knees, gives the appearance of unsteadiness...
MENTAL (x) has an excellent vocabulary and speaks distinctly. He is observant and interested in everything he sees and hears... If (x) were attentive he would perhaps be able to follow directions, but he is so busy in his own world or interested in other things, he seldom hears instructions...
SOCIAL (x) seems to have learned little about playing with the children. His is so anxious for their attention that he rushes into a group and in his haste destroys their project or game and is then rejected. In organized activities he loses interest quickly and wanders off. He is a real "individualist". He is quite independent in caring for himself and his belongings, but is most demanding in his desire for attention.
EMOTIONAL ..He is unpredictable. Some days for no reason at all he will yell and scream, or throw things around. Other days he will be quiet and reasonable...
Feel free to decide for yourself whether my claim that these observations are "consistent with AS" is valid. Clearly this is different from what you'd get from an attempt to formally diagnose a specific condition. These people were just reporting what they'd seen.