Hello everyone. I am brand new to Wrong Planet. I am a gay male, diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome only 2 years ago, and rather late in life (I am now 61 years old), by Dr. Joel Jeffries of CAMH Adult Psychiatry and Health Systems here in Toronto, Canada, whose conclusion was that I am “definitely an Aspie.” Like many Aspies my AS was worse in childhood and I learned coping skills over the years to deal with some my social deficits, as many adult Aspies do. When I first took a look at AS symptoms, they read like a laundry list for my childhood experience. As an adult I still retain symptoms that set me apart from NTs, such as prosopagnosia, hand flapping/clapping, rocking, problems with voice modulation, inability to multitask, difficulty with any activity that requires bilateral coordination, clumsiness and problems with balance, a seemingly infinite capacity for and obsession with anger and resentment (which I suppress unless totally alone), inability to adapt to change, disliking touch unless I have asked for it or am prepared for it, social exhaustion (or social hangover), among others less pronounced. I can emotionally relate to 2 things: cats and punk rock, and in a way that I cannot emotionally relate to human beings. To a lesser extent I can emotionally relate to other forms of rock’n’roll, but my personal tastes are very much all-or-nothing. I am very much young at heart, and (at 61) still punk rocking after all these years.
Diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome by Dr. Joel Jeffries of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Adult Psychiatry and Health Systems, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. No intellectual or language impairment.