Welcome Anna,
You have no need to worry about being rejected here. I only joined a little while ago myself, and for the most part have found that everyone is very friendly, and there so many people that are happy to answer any questions you might have, and share their experiences so that you can get a sense of whether "the shoe fits".
If the need to know where you fit is causing you anxiety, I would suggest to your psychologist that getting a diagnosis would be worthwhile. You don't say whether they have specific experience of patients with autistic conditions - but professionals without that experience often overlook that people on the spectrum may have different therapeutic needs than the majority of their patients. For this reason, I find the psychologists attitude confusing - how can one be treated without knowing what it is that requires treating? It is also a rather condescending attitude in my opinion - they should be working with you to help you with the things that you have identified for yourself as wanting help with.
When you are fighting an invisible monster, first throw a bucket of paint over it.