Hi all! I'm a special ed teacher from Massachusetts, USA. A month ago, while prepping for a lesson on The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time, I decided to find some background information on AS. During my research I happened upon a list of traits typical of women with Aspergers. To say it was an a-ha moment is putting it mildly - I have 60% of the traits! So I took a few online tests, had a chat with our school autism specialist, a chat with my mother and a few old friends, and it looks like I'm likely on the spectrum. If this the case it's wonderful news, because I can understand my clutzy past and move forward. I'm hoping to get an official diagnosis (I suspect my mouth and clueless nature may have caused more mayhem in my life than I ever imagined!) In the meantime I have a few questions. I've heard that self diagnosis is fairly common among adults. If so, how much self examining should I do? And would telling a boss be helpful without a 504 to protect my clueless self? I'm really at a cross roads here ... I'd feel terrible if my findings are wrong, because I need an explanation as to why my life has been so out of sync with everyone else.