Heya guys,
Its only recently that I've found that I may have ADHD or asperger. Currently the GP diagnose my condition as Dysthymia as I have complaints on mental fogginess, unable to concentrate in a conversation, behave inappropriate in social situations & etc. I didn't knew I had a problem but I am socially withdrawn and and used to isolation, playing computer games. But when I have decided to be more social and know more friends (other than my close friends) to realize that I was deeply socially inferior and never understood why they didn't want to stick long with me.
I've took MBTI and came out to be INTJ , forming 0.8% of the population, rare. I anaylse alot in my brain and hardly be able to explain how it works. I literally live in my head and reply people in my head. o.O I see through people, lies, society and know if people are manipulative.
I'm also a Indigo child, New age stuff. I detest authority and rules and lost in this world/society. I believe in chakra healing and collecting crystals to make me feel better in some ways.
I've been drawing alien and ufo non stop during class as well as been fascinated on ET , astrology.
I am obsessed with astrology and label people by their star signs. I analyses their character through that.
I can't sense jokes/sarcasm at times , i feel people are nervous around me. Thus I am quiet and reserved most of the time in groups. obviously that's why I can't make friends
After anti depressant pills, my dreams went from vivid to lucid. I didnt want to wake up and had excessive sleeping up to 12-14 hours. I am constantly deprive of sleep since young due to over active mind.
I am expressionless most of the time, people call me stuck up, aloof, proud. So I keep smiling and joke / act in a drama way to counteract, which may be inappropriate at times for example a work discussion.
I hate small talks
my IQ is above average at 120-130 on different IQ test.
I need to improve myself to be more NT & coping skills
to be continued as I'll be visiting my psychiatrist soon for further diagnose
Pardon my english
Aspie/Austism score 33 (34 & up) ADHD score 40 (34 & up)
High alexithymic / dysthymia / Possible Borderline PD
Star children - Indigo Child Myer Brig - INTJ The Architect
enneagram most like 5w4 - The Investigator / The Individualist
IQ 120 -130 High in Visual Intellgence
Last edited by mrfoggy on 16 Feb 2016, 4:40 am, edited 1 time in total.