After just lurking and reading for a couple weeks now, I thought it was time to take the plunge and make an account.
After many years of my family being unsure what exactly was different about me and us working to figure it out we got me to two doctors in Fall 2015 to begin the search for an answer. One gave me a diagnosis of ADHD and the other gave me one of Aspergers, and while it's more than likely I do have both, the one that gave me the Aspergers diagnosis didn't verbally tell me why he thought so, leaving me curious as to what it is he saw specificly. Since then I've been doing as much learning as I can about them both and what "tricks" I can learn to help them both. My parents are both very proud of the fact I took the initiative to learn about myself, especially when we can't really afford doctor visits.
A couple interests that I'm really into is Disney movies with Lion King in particular and appreciating nature.