Hello everyone I am new here as well. I just turned 40 and I'm undiagnosed. I will be seeking a formal dx as soon as possible. I have completed as many online tests as I can, reviewed personal stories as well as reviewed the DSM IV and when compared to my own life experiences believe that it is a fit for me.
As I was reading through people's personal stories I felt like I was going to cry or explode in joy. Everything that was said was like, "that's me, that's me, that's me too!"
All of a sudden everything in my life made sense.
In my life I've had many difficulties making and maintaining friendships, having difficulty knowing when I should speak, easily overwhelmed by new situations and by overstimulation of both crowds, noise or light, Meltdowns, And I've often had people say that I'm mean, hurtful, blunt, when I feel like I'm just communicating honestly, that "they know that my world is a little different", and "you need to find a way to help people understand why you react the way you do". There's more but I won't list it all.
It's like they all know I'm on the spectrum but no one wants to say it out loud.
I joined this forum so that I can learn more, talk to people who might get me, and be prepared to talk to my neuropsychologist about this in April.