Hi everyone!
I've joined up because I strongly suspect that I may have Aspergers and also that my 3yo daughter shows a lot of the signs they say to look out for in children of that age.
So, a brief bit of background:
We've been having behavioural issues with our daughter for a while now, without really knowing what was going on with her. About a week ago, someone suggested that it may be that she's on the spectrum (pathological demand avoidance was the specific type they suggested). As I started to look into it more, reading up about AS and more specifically Aspergers, I found myself reading lists and forum posts and thinking "I do that, and that, and that... and that". Reading about the differences it can create, as I have read many people say, made me stop and think: "this explains EVERYTHING. Perhaps I'm not a complete headcase with a million things 'wrong' with me after all!".
I took an online multi-test, and my results are below for anyone interested:
AQ-10: 9
RAADS-R: 136
There were also tests for 'reading the mind' from pictures just of eyes and also from film clips. I scored average for the eyes one, and very slightly under average for the film one (which honestly surprised me! Expected to be at least average.)
So at the moment I guess I'm self-diagnosed; currently weighing up whether to get officially diagnosed or not. Thinking I may well do though, just to get that 100% confirmation.
Thanks for reading, and also for all the posts that I've been silently observing over the past couple of days while researching. Have gotten benefit from a lot of them already