TheAP wrote:
Welcome! It's cool that you want to visit space. Where in particular to you want to go in space?
I'm not really too picky about that. With the current travel times though, I wouldn't want to go anywhere further then Mars. I doubt I will ever have the opertunity to go any further anyway.
My plan is that I will make myself the idea canidate. I won't be very dependent on being accepted though. I plan on majoring in physics in college, learning Russian, becoming a pilot, and probobly working for NASA as a member of the ground team for a while. I already have a fairly in depth understanding of orbital mechanics and I am working on memorizing Hoffman's equations.
I am in the right age range that I
might be a part of NASA's manned Mars mission planned for 2030. It is possible however unlikely that you might be talking to one of the first people who will walk on Mars
Also known as MarsMatter.
Diagnosed with Asperger's, ADD, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder in 2004.
In denial that it was a problem until early 2016.
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