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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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09 Mar 2016, 1:19 am

Hello. Others have made similar introduction threads, so I thought I might as well. And since we're all about sharing experiences, here's mine:

When I was 8, I was diagnosed with Dyssemia, which is a learning disability having to do with forms of nonverbal communication. This diagnosis was withheld from me by my parents up until even when I was an adult, and I only found out about it by one of my siblings letting it slip by accident. Meanwhile, during the in-between time I had been fighting with my parents to see a person, as I had always felt something was different about me, but they had always insisted that there was nothing to worry about. In my own research in that time, I had explored different possibilities for what it might be, and Asperger Syndrome seemed to fit. Finally, when the truth had come out about the Dyssemia diagnosis, I had to battle with them again to help me get set up with a person to actually confront some of my problems. I had started developing some rather psychotic ideations that disturbed me deeply and which had only been exacerbated by the extreme amount of distrust that now existed between us. After a few visits helping me through these weird fantasies, the therapist finally arrived at the conclusion that I needed to be reevaluated, the results of which proved what I had already suspected: I had Asperger Syndrome. Achieving closure on that topic helped me to begin to cope with the implications of it, and I was able to move forward, dealing with my own problems as they came. I am now 23 years of age and just trying to figure out what I want to do with my life.

In terms of who I am as a person, I am something of a nerd. I enjoy card games, board games, and video games. In particular, I play a lot of Magic the Gathering, Ascension, and Smash Bros., with which I have had some amount of competitive success over the past couple of years. I used to play a lot of Pokémon as well and still follow the series closely. I am a student of anthropology and in particular linguistics and languages. I am something of a recreational language learner, and can pick up languages very quickly. I can speak English, German, and Norwegian fluently; Japanese, Swedish, and French conversationally; basic Russian, Dutch, and Icelandic; and bits and pieces of various others.

I used to write a lot, starting and stopping many a grandiose literary project. Nowadays, I still enjoy writing plot synopses, character profiles, and design documents for fictional worlds and cultures. Most serious writing I do nowadays is unfortunately confined to short stories.

Outside of these interests, I am a furry, though I am not very good at drawing. I don't really have a nailed down fursona, per se, as I am not remotely good enough at drawing to flesh it out visually, but if I had to pick something it would probably be some sort of wolf-bear hybrid. I really like the idea of the Volkolak (Волколак) in Slavic mythology, and so it would probably be something like that but both a wolf and a bear at the same time and with long head-hair.

So, that's me, I guess. Hello, all. I may mostly lurk around here, but here's me, for those interested in reading others' personal stories.

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

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09 Mar 2016, 3:52 am

Hi Zalgotha, welcome to WP!

Hallo Zalgotha, welkom op WP! :wink:

I envy your language skills, I have no problems reading Dutch, German or English texts but expressing myself (mostly writing) in any of them takes a lot of energy. Strangely, computer languages are easy for me...

Glass is half full kinda guy, learn from things that go wrong in your life and ask for help when needed!
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09 Mar 2016, 3:41 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet! :)

There is a foreign language forum here on WP if you want to communicate with other members in any foreign language you see fit.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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09 Mar 2016, 4:09 pm

Welcome to WP, glad to have you here!


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09 Mar 2016, 4:26 pm

Hey Zalgotha welcome. :sunny:

No power in the 'verse can stop me. - River Tam (Firefly)