@Trogluddite that sounds really cool what you're doing! I'd love to learn more. Are you using Arduino?
At the moment I'm just using the PC to sketch out some algorithms. For example, generating the sound of the wind, babbling water, various kinds of noise and tones, all calculated in real time. I want to try and come up with a system and user interface that has a nice simple interface that can morph between those sounds (as opposed to just switching or cross-fading between pre-recorded loops) - including morphing over a preset time range. So for example, if water sounds are particularly soothing, the user could easily ramp up or down the water "flow rate" and "turbulence" over a set period of time - so there are no sensory "jolts" between changing the sound, and the user is not simply limited to a handful of preset noises.
I'm using a little development environment called "FlowStone" at the moment - a graphical based rapid-prototyping audio toolkit that I've used for a long time. But once I have something decent running, I hope to port it to C++, so that it can be compiled for other devices, and the code can be open-sourced more easily.
It's very early days at the moment - partly because my own ASD diagnosis was very recent, so I'm experimenting on myself as much as with the code, as I never tried to "treat" my sound sensitivity in the past. I find pre-recorded sounds can be very soothing, but find the lack of flexibility, limited track length, and the jolt of switching tracks when I feel the need for a different sound really spoils the therapeutic effect sometimes.
I'll certainly post some Beta's up when I have something worth testing - it is intended as a therapeutic tool for people with sensory difficulties, so I'll certainly need some user feedback once the code is stable. It'll probably just be a PC app to begin with as that's easy to export from FlowStone, but people's mobile devices would be the ultimate target. (Not that I have anything against a bit of hardware tweakery - I worked for a little PIC development company until quite recently, and have plenty of soldering iron scars!)
When you are fighting an invisible monster, first throw a bucket of paint over it.