Hi all.
Im new here and here is an introduction to myself.
I think the grammar and the way this is written is wrong, but I don’t know why its like that. I don’t usually write like this. It might be the medication I’m on which is Rispiridon. It probably reacts to social activity neurones so thats why I feel dizzy at the moment. I suppose this does count as a social activity, even though its typing and web based, it is still activating the social bits of the brain.
I have been diagnosed with Aspergers twice, fairly recently.
I went to primary school without any attendance problems.
Then after that when I turned 11 I went to secondary school for about a month and then I didn’t attend for the rest of the school years. I was intimidated by the busy environment and have very bad social anxiety.
The attendance officer came and said that I would have to go to a special school for bad behaviour. I didn’t have bad behaviour, but I had to go somewhere because I wasn’t being schooled.
After I left school I went onto sixth form college, what its called in UK, I think its called something else in america maybe.
then I didn’t go out anywhere for ages and had a fight with my father, and he called the police and they advised me to go into a mental health place for adolescents. I went there and thought it would be a good new start because of my social anxiety. I thought it would make me more experienced as a person. It did to some extent.
Ive never had any true friends. I did for a short time but I’m not sure they where proper friends in the true sense. The fact I was trying to socialise in a mental place for the first time, strikes me as sad when I’m just writing it down just now.
I have a helper from the NAS - national autistic society.
I can’t go outside pretty much, but to most people I seem non autistic, but thats until they get to know me. Then its atypical-land, maybe.
Thank you for reading this ramble!