Supernatural00100 wrote:
And out of no where, I stumbled on this web site and it is like me. I think about it sometimes and many times over my life I have yelled "GOD" and poof----there is the answer.. So any thoughts ??? I fight like hell not to be superstitious----So, anyway type the word God into MSN Word program and right click for a menu, drop down to synonym---there you have it Supernatural----whenever I am here I wil be reminded I yelled "GOD"
VietNam vet ---now that was a really "far out" place to be and have AS, think about ! !! Then add the fact I smoke pot-a-lot---hey, I like that, pot-a-lot---as far as I am concerned alcohol should be outlawed and pot inlawed--(excepted)
So, after 58 years I find out that all those years I should have been proud to be different,,, wow Ain't that something like just before you died you are told that yoou have been very, very wealthy since childhood.......Oh. I have been very,very,very wealthy---wow--cough,cough gone
OK, I am new and hopeless-----Oh God ! !! !
Welcome home bro. yeah I'm starting to think maybe we really can come home. Vet from the same era, stateside, got the greeting letter. Little PTSD on me, seems we kind of come prewired for it. a lot of guilt you were there and I was here, I felt I had let you guys down. Now the last thing you needed was someone in your outfit with a freakin death wish, lol. Lead the destructive life style for a very long time. yeah a really long time. Still in the VA system, know the ins and outs of the place very well. We can talk about the money end of this little gift and the VA if you like. I'm 56, you in the Tet of 68? Nasty f*****g thing. any way I'm still alive and not too damn sure why at times. I hang in the dino aspie cafe, we mostly just have fun in there, a lot of other places around this site for more specfic info. don't mind me I don't spell very well and I talk to much
Really glad to see you. I was pretty sure I wan't the only aspie that got a freaken M-16 shoved into my hands. Few others floating around I think. Pretty big place haven't met everyone.
Just enjoy what you do, as best you can, and let the dog out once in a while.