Thanks everyone! As for why I like chickens, it started off with learning about the condition that chickens are kept in commercially on factory farms. It bothered me and I asked my parents if we could get chickens so that our eggs would come from birds that were well cared for. (I'm a vegetarian so I'm already not supporting other forms of factory farming) Anyway they said yes and so I started doing research and found them to be so much more fascinating than I was expecting. When we got the baby chicks I also found out that if you interact with them regularly, they become like pets, they hop on your lap or shoulder and like to be petted and hang out with you. They also have distinct personalities which surprised me and it is fun to just hang out with them and watch them interact. I read all the books I could find on chickens to make sure I was giving them the best care and hung out on a chicken forum that was very helpful with questions. I wanted to be a chicken farmer for a long time, but then I realized that while I have no problem with other people eating meat, I did have a problem with raising birds to be slaughtered myself, even if it meant they had happy lives before they died. Since half the chicks you hatch will be male, it is an inevitable part of chicken farming. I was really sad to realize that I wouldn't be able to have a chicken farm, so I don't go on the chicken forums anymore and I don't read the books much either, but my family still has chickens and I love having them. We only have four though. I know I went on for a bit! Chickens and I have a long history