My name's Brendan, I'm 22, live in Sydney Australia and I'm trying to rediscover who I am.
As a kid I was a typical aspie, clumsy, horrid handwriting, good at some school topics; some really bad stories of flirting; you get the idea. But for everything I failed at I would push back harder. I pursued hobbies generalyl I sucked at, just to get good. Martial arts, surfing, rollerblading (To name a few); I armed myself with knowledge, studied body language and sociology. By the time I was 18 I was charming, athletic, strong group of friends, overall a well liked, normal dude. So when I had a doctor in the family come up to me at a party and asked "where on the spectrum I fell" I was honestly surprised; to be fair, she's a doctor of behavioural sciences.
The catch is, I didn't know I had it. Didn't know the first thing about it so understandably I denied it. But the seed of doubt was sown; That feeling that something wasn't right that followed me everywhere now had a cause. I spent a night researching ASD and for the most part scoffed at it. I honestly didn't believe I had it. But as I delved deeper bits and pieces started to stand out; "Refusal to wear certain fabrics", "Restrictive diet", "feeling like there's a secret to making friends that nobody is telling you".
It took me three years and a lot of debate with friends, family, people on the spectrum and even a few doctors. The problem was that I spent so long fighting against the symptoms that I'd effectively hid every one of them; even to myself. The only give away t my aunt the doctor; I mirrored her body language too well and forgot to carry the eye contact (she's since taught me some great tricks )
So now here I am. 22 and trying to let go of two decades of self-denial.
Nice to meet you all. Hopefully I can learn how to be that imaginative young mind again.