What's up, party people? I recently stumbled upon this website during the course of an expansive, ongoing quest of self-discovery and psychological amelioration. I'm 27 years old, but it has been only in the past year or so that I began to suspect I was "on the spectrum," as it were, and upon recounting this concern to my parents, they essentially told me: "Oh yeah, you were totally diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome when you were a kid. But we decided not to tell you." Cool, alright. So I am presently in the process of trying to really understand ASD and its ramifications in my own life. It's been quite a trip.
Is this the part where I talk a bit about myself? I'm not a particularly exciting dude. I have an obsessive commitment to the concept of glitch art and spend a lot of time using my computer to create ungodly sounds that I eventually call "music." When I'm not doing that, I'm playing old, irrelevant video games or listening to jazz. Sometimes I even go outdoors.
Anyway, I'm not trying to bore you all with my life story. I'm here to (hopefully) interface and commiserate with others who experience reality similarly. May you ride eternal, shiny and chrome. Amen.